Important aspects to keep in mind for the temporary importation of a
a) A
temporary import is only possible for one vehicle at a time.
Except an RV towing a vehicle can both be registered by the
same person. This does not apply to pickup campers.
The maximum load capacity for a temporary vehicle import is 3.5
tons, not including the weight of the vehicle.
You may tow
with your vehicle one to three off-road motorcycles, beach cars or dune
buggies, or four-wheel motorcycles or ATVs, equivalent to the number
of people traveling inside the vehicle. You must be able to provide
proof of ownership for the vehicles being transported and they must
be returned along with the towing or transporting vehicle.
Street-legal vehicles are not allowed under this provision.
Special permits are available for towing street-legal motorcycles
for sporting events. Contact Banjercito for details via the
e-mail listed at the top of this page.
It is not permitted to sell the temporarily imported vehicles on
Mexican territory or use them for commercial activities.
The vehicle must be removed from México within the
authorized timeframe as stated in the Temporary Import Permit if it
was registered using a Visitante
If it was registered using a
Residente Temporal;, the registration remains valid so long as the
visa is valid,
including renewals. HOWEVER you must notify Aduana when you renew
your RT. Read here
for details on how to do this.
Service and bond fees:
Credit and Debit cards:
The card must be issued in the importer’s name.
The card must be valid internationally.
The card must be issued in a foreign country. [not from
The card must have the Visa or MasterCard logos. Other cards are not
The card must be activated to accept charges made in México.
Cash: Only USA dollars are accepted for the fees.

Canceling your
permit when you leave México.
sure to visit a BANJERCITO module located at the border crossing
when you are leaving Mexico. Present your vehicle and the Temporary
Import Permit in order to register the vehicle as having returned to
the country of origin. BANJERCITO will issue a return certificate.
They will then return your cash bond or issue a credit to your card
if that was used for the bond. It usually takes three days
for the refund to be posted on your card account.
If the credit card you used for the permit is no longer in use, you
will need to fill out a form to authorize the refund to be credited
to a different card.
Your cash
deposit may not be returned on the spot. If their cash box is
empty when you checkout, you may be required to return the next
business day to get your money.
It is
very important that you complete the vehicle return operation. If
you don’t complete this step, Mexican authorities will assume that
your vehicle remains in Mexico, which can cause problems in the
future. The vehicle is considered returned, when you physically
present the vehicle at the border module and the authorities
validate the return from Mexico.
sure to keep this receipt and bring it with you if you drive to
Mexico in the future. You may need it to prove that you
removed your car last time. Screw-ups with their computer
system do occur!
If you left without canceling the permit and find that you cannot
return with the car, there is a way to get it off the computer.
It is neither simple nor fast, but it is possible. Aduana says
it will take about three months. Don't hold your breath. There
have been reports of a year-long wait. If you need more
information, call
1 877 448 8728 from the USA or Canada.
They only speak Spanish.
You will need to write a notarized letter in Spanish explaining why
you cannot return with the vehicle. Be sure to include your
contact information -- mail address, phone and e-mail.
The submittal should include a copy of the ownership document you
used to get the permit (title, registration card, etc) and the
following supporting evidence:
If it was wrecked:
Police and insurance company official reports
Photographs showing the damage. Include a picture of the windshield
sticker still in place as well as a picture showing the VIN.
Remove the sticker and include it along with the permit paper.
If it was stolen:
Police and insurance company official reports
The original permit paper
If it was sold (or lost it in a divorce):
Proof of the sale and any other evidence that the transaction took
place outside México.
Remove the sticker and include it along with the permit paper.
Be sure to keep copies of everything you send to Aduana.
Send the package of information to:
General de Aduanas
Administración Central de Operación Aduanera
Administración de Operación Aduanera “3”
Av. Hidalgo No. 77, Módulo IV, 1° piso, Del. Cuauhtémoc
Col. Guerrero, C.P. 06300, México D.F. |