Our "dry" river |
This is a low-water crossing to colonias east of town. |
Under all that water is the low-water crossing which I use when going to my doctor in Torreón.
Sep 28 City water has now been restored after an eight-day outage. The new main pipe has been hung over the raging river. |
Rain continues to fall in the mountain watershed of the lakes. The lake levels are rising faster than water can be released. When the emergency release began the level in one lake was at 108%. Now is at 111%. The engineers continue to be concerned about the dam's ability to withstand the pressure. If the dam fails, we are all dead. The engineers would like to increase the rate of release, but they are constrained by the flooding that is happening in the lower river basin. The river passes by Lerdo, Gomez Palacio and Torreón where the river banks are very high, so the water is contained and has not presented any flooding problems. To the north and east of the tri-cities, however, the terrain becomes very flat farm land, and the river has low banks which have been topped and breached in many areas. The resultant flooding has inundated farms and many homes. Hundreds of people have been forced out of their homes. There are large chicken farms which have been flooded. A large industrial waste pool was flooded. The result of the chicken and industrial waste is a very contaminated river. One wag opined that one could become ill just looking at the water. Today, the engineers announced that they would reduce the rate of release in hopes of reducing the spread of the flood. The outlook is bleak for some time to come. |
Oct 6 Sinkholes have begun to open in several areas near the river blocking streets and endangering homes. In the flooding of 1991, one lady was lost when her bedroom collapsed while she slept. Her body was never found. |
Oct 11 The river continues to seriously erode the levee on top of which is Ave Rio Nazas. I mourn the loss of this street because it is my short-cut to my doctor and to the airport. The odd looking curved things in the water are basket ball goals in the outdoor sports complex that lives happily (most of the time) in the "dry" river bed. UPDATE October 2011 After three years, this street has been completely rebuilt as a four-lane divided boulevard. Really nice!
Engineers are lowered to inspect the damage. Work has begun to place boulders and concrete blocks to stop the erosion. |