Regularizing an Invalid Temporal

Last Update 31 December 2013

The two must common reasons for a Residente Temporal to become invalid are:

1.  You forgot to renew it on time.

2.  You reached the end of the 4th year and did not want to go to Residente Permanente, so you let it expire.

You have two options to deal with this problem.

1.  You can return to your home country and apply at a Mexican Consulate for a new Residente Temporal just like any first timer. (Read How to Move the México)

2.  You can apply for a Regularizar Situación Migratoria at you local INM office without leaving México.

Here's how to use the Regularizar option.

First, go to your INM office to ask if they will accept your regularizing request.  If they will, ask what it will cost.  There is a fee for the Regularizar and there will be  a fine for violating the rules.  In addition there will be the cost of driving to a border to get a new permit for your car because your existing permit expired when your Temporal ran out.

If these costs amount to less than returning to your home country, then Regularizar is for you. 

Begin with the INM universal application form here,

In the first question box select the 6th item -- Regularizar Situación Migratoria.

In the second box, select the 3rd item -- Regularizar por tener...

Fill out the rest of the form in the usual manner, and print it.

Here is what you will need to take to the INM office:

  • The printed application with file number (pieza)

  • The Formato Básico

  • Your expired Temporal card

  • The original and  a copy of the picture and personal data pages of your passport

  • 2 front and 1 right side infantile size color pictures with no jewelry

  • A letter in Spanish requesting the Regularizar and explaining the circumstances.

  • You will be required to show proof of income.

When you have your new card, you must go to the border to get a new permit for your car.  It would be wise to get a Safe Return permit.


The Regularizar would also be used by someone converting from a Visitante to a Temporal by reason of having a Mexican spouse or family member. 


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