Buņuelos | ||
Buņuelos, like many other Mexican foods, are made differently in different part of the country, and, sometimes, are called by different names. What Doņa Martha is making are called sopapillos in some areas. Some call them buņuelos estirados to distinguish them from buņuelos de molde which are cut with a mold to a fancy shape. Recipes for buņuelos de molde often include eggs and milk -- a fried cake, while Doņa Martha is making them with water -- a fried bread. I like them either way. |
A handful of baking power and another of salt are mixed into 2 Kg (4.5 pounds) of flower. |
300 grams (10 oz) of vegetable shortening is cut in by hand and mixed well. This will make 70 large buņuelos. |
Water is added as required to make the dough and the kneading begins, first in the bowl and then on the tile counter top. When the dough is ready, Doņa Martha places it in a plastic bag to keep it moist while she rolls out the discs that will become buņuelos. |
First she rolls a small amount of dough into a ball a little larger than a large egg. Then she rolls each ball into an almost paper thin disc. |
She further stretches the disc by hand before passing it to daughter Martha who stretches it some more before she lays it to dry on a clean cloth covering the living room couch. |
Granddaughter Iris has the job of flipping the discs from time to time as they dry. These buņuelos are for her father's 29th birthday party. |
the discs are dry and firm, they are fried in vegetable oil until they
are golden, about 3 minutes. Then they are drained, sprinkled with
cinnamon sugar, and set aside to cool. She began at 3:30 in the afternoon
and fried the 70th buņuelo at midnight. A very long day, but the
product was so good. Crisp, flaky, sweet and wonderful! |
If you wish to write to Doņa Martha, you may send an e-mail to martha@rollybrook.com | Cooking Directory |